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Newsletter Week of 2/13/2023

Dear Friend,

There is just one week left in the 2023 Legislative Session! We are making strong progress towards getting my two bills that passed the House through the Senate. The House and the Senate have each passed their own versions of the state budget, and are now reconciling the differences between the two. The big difference between these two budgets is funding for education versus funding tax cuts for corporations and the wealthiest Virginians. The Senate dedicated $1 billion to school funding to give our teachers raises, hire additional instructional positions, remove the cap on state funding of school support positions, and more. The House budget instead dedicated $1 billion to tax cuts. Corporations would get over $350 million in tax breaks and pay a lower tax rate than hard-working Virginians, with the majority of households getting less than $50 from these changes. These tax cuts would not only result in less money this year for vital services like schools, roads, and healthcare, but the costs of these tax cuts would balloon next year, resulting in even less funding for services. Our tax system should be fair – and it should reward hard work, with everyone paying their fair share. A full table with details on the budget is included below.

My Current Bills:

HB2424 - This bill will increase access to interpreters in civil proceedings for people who are deaf and hard of hearing. I am happy to announce that it unanimously passed the State Senate on Wednesday. Companion legislation originally introduced in the State Senate unanimously passed the House of Delegates on Thursday, meaning that this bill is well on its way to becoming law!

HB2492 - Ensures that Virginia's Disability Board remains in compliance with federal law so that Virginia doesn't lose out on millions of dollars in federal funds. I presented this bill to the Senate Committee on Rules today and I’m happy to say that it passed unanimously!

SB852 - I was proud to be Chief Co-Patron to Senator Barbara Favola's bill to protect menstrual health data from being used against Virginians in the push to criminalize abortion. While the bill passed the Senate in a bipartisan vote, it died in the House. This bill has garnered national attention including an article in The Washington Post and a segment on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.

As a reminder, the status of all legislation can be checked at


Last Saturday I hosted my first town hall with Senator Chap Petersen! We had a strong turnout and I enjoyed answering questions from the constituents who came out to the Vienna Police Station. We discussed some of the most important issues facing our community, such as education and the economy. I look forward to hosting more of these events in the future!

This week we celebrated Valentine’s Day in the General Assembly - which is a BIG DEAL! Here is a picture from our office wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day!

Great to see my friend Dr. Angela Henderson in Richmond advocating for SB1503 - the creation of a social work advisory board. Unfortunately, the bill did not pass the House, but she will be back again next year!

This week, I was honored to meet with representatives from Melwood. They do great work supporting children, youth, and adults with disabilities.

Loved having my son visit me in Richmond for the day! He joined the members in the chamber, learned about the history of Virginia, and even got to attend a House vs, Senate basketball game at VCU!

I was fortunate to attend a "Women In Banking" event hosted by Capital One last week with my constituents, Maggie Lytton and Dora Gougoufkas, both of which are Madison High School parents - like me!

Here is an update on the status of the legislation I have co-patroned this session:

Patron Type

Bill #

Chief Patron

​Bill Description


Chief Co-Patron



Renews the wholesome food donation tax credit for amounts up to $10,000

Passed Senate 40-0

Chief Co-Patron

SB 852


Prohibits issuing a search warrant for the search and seizure of a computer containing menstrual data

Failed in House Committee 5-3


HB 1419


Extends eligibility for the Brown v. Board of Education Scholarship Program to the descendants of persons who were residing in jurisdictions in Virginia in which the public schools were closed to avoid desegregation between 1954 and 1964.

Passed Senate 40-0


HB 1520


Places certain restrictions on railroad companies to increase safety

Failed in Subcommittee 4-3


HB 1566


Requires teachers to be paid at or above the national average

Left in House Appropriations Committee


HB 1604


​Directs the State Corporation Commission to order reductions to base rates charged by utility companies provided that the companies are making unreasonable profits

Passed Senate Committee 14-0


HB 1631


Allows emergency dispatchers to claim workers' compensation benefits relating to PTSD

Failed in Appropriations Subcommittee 4-3


HB 1759


Creates a workgroup to study how to improve Virginia for veterans

Passed Senate Committee 16-0




Directs the Commission on School Construction and Modernization to make recommendations to incorporate renewable energy generation facilities in schools

Failed in Subcommittee 6-2




Requires school boards to employ at least one full-time counselor per 1,000 students

Failed in Appropriations Subcommittee 5-3


HB 2038


Allows state employees health insurance to also cover that of an incapacitated child regardless of whether the child lives with the employee

Passed Senate 40-0


HB 2070


Any person who possess a firearm after being found guilty for assault and battery against someone in a dating relationship is guilty of a class 1 misdemeanor

Failed in Subcommittee 3-3


HB 2073


Creates the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact to speed up issuance of a license to practice medicine in the Commonwealth for qualified physicians from out of state

Left in Subcommittee




Repeals mandatory minimums for persons charged with simple assault and battery for those on the autism spectrum provided that the crime was influenced by the person's disability

Left in Committee




Changes eligibility for Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Education Program: shortens from five years to one the physical presence requirements, 90% static disabled instead of 90% permanent disabled, makes stepchildren of living veterans eligible

Failed in Appropriations Subcommittee 5-3




Makes it a Class 1 misdemeanor for a licensed firearm manufacturer to give a handgun to an unlicensed person without a locking device or a warning that guns should be kept locked

Failed in Subcommittee 5-3


HB 2080


Creates special license plates for women veterans​

Passed Senate 40-0


HB 2104


Increases the default boundaries of a school crossing zone from 600 feet to 750 feet from the limits of school property.

Passed House 99-1


HB 2111


Require Department of Education to oversee work-based learning and implementation of teacher mentor programs, requires school boards to decrease ratio of ESOL, assistant principals and support staff to students

Left in Appropriations Committee


HB 2134


Clarifies the definition of "sexual conduct" so that it is neutral regarding sexual orientation for the purposes of crimes related to prohibited sales and loans to juveniles.

Left in Committee


HB 2174


Clarifies that a marriage is lawful regardless of sex or gender

Left in Committee


HB 2224


Required newborn screening tests performed at no cost

Passed House 95-3


HB 2227


Civil cause of action against guardian for failure to reasonably secure a firearm from a minor if the minor uses the firearm to cause harm to person or property

Failed in Subcommittee 3-3


HB 2232


Includes a provision for the payment of medical assistance for violence prevention services, Department of Health will approve an accrediting body to certify violence prevention professionals

Failed in Subcommittee 5-3




The State Corporation Commission can authorize recovery of any proposed cost through the utility's rates for generation and distribution services instead of regarding petitions for a rate adjustment clause if the cost recovery better serves ratepayers

Passed Senate Committee 16-0


HB 2283


Suspends utilities from disconnecting service when: governor declares a state of emergency, extreme heat or cold weather, on the weekend or holidays. Utilities must report annually on utility disconnections

Failed in Subcommittee 5-3


HB 2288


Must be 21 or older to purchase assault firearm

Failed in Subcommittee 6-4


HB 2357


A surrogate may relinquish rights to an intended parent prior to the birth of the child if one intended parent is the genetic parent or the embryo was subject to the legal custody of the intended parent

Failed in Subcommittee 5-3


HB 2387


Establishes a tax credit for the purchase of firearm safety devices

Passed Senate 40-0


SB 1112


Requires health insurance providers to provide coverage for contraceptive measures

Passed Senate 26-13




Extends eligibility for the Brown v. Board of Education Scholarship Program to the lineal and collateral descendants of persons who were residing in jurisdictions in Virginia in which the public schools were closed to avoid desegregation between 1954 and 1964 and whose educations were affected by the school closings.

Passed House 99-0




Constitutional Amendment, Provides that every individual has the fundamental right to reproductive freedom

Failed in Subcommittee 5-3




Repeals same-sex marriage ban in Virginia Constitution

Left in Committee




Repeals the constitutional provision defining marriage as only a union between one man and one woman

Left in Committee




Constitutional Amendment, Provides that every individual has the fundamental right to reproductive freedom

Passed Senate 21-18

And here is an update on the state budget negotiations:







Additional funding for Pre-K

$20 million limited to Lenowisco and Crater Planning Districts

$40 million available statewide

Teacher Pay Increase

​Provides state share of 7%

Provides state share of 7%

Teacher Retention Bonus

$1.7 million for certain regional programs

​$140.4 million ($1,000 for each instructional and support position)

Salary Increase for Board Certified Teachers


$8.9 million

Funding for Lab Schools

$50 million

-$95 million (and reallocates to school divisions)

​Direct Aid to cover Governor's Miscalculation

$4.9 million

$58.1 million

Instructors for English Language Learners


$24.3 million

Reading Specialists

$30.8 million

$51.1 million

​Additional Instructional Assistants

$3 million

$38.6 million

Funding for Additional Support Staff (eliminating the state funding cap)


$270.6 million

Funding for Additional Mental and Physical Health Staff in Schools


$56.9 million

​School-Based Mental Health Pilot

$15 million

$15 million

​At-Risk Add on


$37.1 million

​School Security Grants

​$13.5 million

$50 million

Higher Ed Affordability

$75.6 million

$224.8 million

Funding to Recruit/Retain Pell Grant Students


$25 million

Health/Human Services/Housing



Paid Family/Medical Leave

Not included

Includes language authorizing a treasury loan to fund start-up costs

​Prescription Affordability Board


$0.3 million

Health Care for Income-Eligible Uninsured Children


$7.3 million

Medicaid Reimbursement Rate Increases

$53.8 million

$210 million

Salary Adjustments for Community Services Boards Staff

$36.5 million

$58.7 million

Developmental Disability Waivers

​$15.2 million (500 spots)

$15.2 million (500 spots) + adds an additional 500 spots contingent on balances

​Status of Allowing Abortions for Pregnant Medicaid Recipients who receive a severe fetal diagnosis (approx 20 per year)

Eliminates funding

Keeps funding

​Mental Health Workforce Pilot Program (supports the costs of required supervision for graduates of Masters of Social Work and Masters of Counseling Programs seeking licensure)

Eliminates program (- $500,000)

Keeps program ($500,000)

​Additional Funding for Crisis Receiving Centers and Stabilization Units

$83.3 million

$88.3 million

Virginia Mental Health Access Program Expansion to Early Childhood and Perinatal Providers


$7.9 million

Increased funding for supervised residential care for people with serious mental illness

$8 million

$58 million

Funding for Affordable Manufactured Home Park Pilot Program


$3 million

Increases the Auxiliary Grant rate for low-income individuals residing in assisted living facilities and the reimbursement rate for the facilities who serve them

$4.9 million

$30.2 million

Other Items of Note



State Aid for Local Libraries

$2 million

$5 million

​Creates a Virginia Football Stadium Authority

​Includes Language

Not included

​Funding to study the relocation of the Washington Commanders to Virginia



​Resilient Revolving Loan Fund

$100 million

$200 million

Stormwater Local Assistance Fund

$10 million

$20 million

​Cannabis Control Authority

-$13.4 million

$6 million

​Operation Ceasefire

$20 million


​Firearm Violence Intervention & Prevention Center


$20 million

Safer Communities Program (community-based violence prevention programs)


$10 million

If my office can be of any service to you, please send an email to Make sure to follow us on social media at hollyseiboldva to receive updates throughout the year!

Yours in Service,

Holly Seibold

Delegate, 35th District

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