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Newsletter Week of 3/8

Dear Friend, Thanks for following along with my newsletter during the legislative session. Now that the session is over, I'm hosting an end-of-session presentation on March 14th at the Vienna Police Station Community Room from 7-8pm to provide a wrap-up on what the legislature accomplished and what I was able to deliver for the people of Fairfax county in Richmond this year. Please come by and hear about the issues that matter to you.

Community Updates:

I enjoyed attending the The Arc of Northern Viginia breakfast this week.. Their work supports thousands of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. I was proud to support their mission last session by passing important disability legislation. Learn more about the important work they do (and donate if you are able!) here.

Good luck to the Lady Warhawks at the VHSL Basketball State Championships in Richmond tonight! Tickets are available here.

Congratulations to Thoreau Middle School teachers Sulekha Subhash and Shannon Evans for receiving Fullbright Teachers for Global Classrooms Program awards!

Re-election: I am running for re-election! I just launched my campaign this week for the NEW 12th district! With elections upcoming under the new boundaries following the 2020 U.S. Census, the communities that make up our current 35th House district will be split into the new 11th and 12th House districts (see map below). Type your address into this handy tool to double-check what House district you'll be voting in and if you are in the 12th, I hope to earn your vote this November! And, if you are able, please consider donating to my campaign to help me get re-elected. It has truly been an honor to serve our community and represent your voices these last few months and I hope you will send me back to Richmond to do it again! The link to donate is: Thank you for your consideration!

Upcoming Events in Our District:

March 18th-May 13th: Mayor's Fitness Challenge The Town of Vienna, the City of Fairfax and the City of Falls Church are hosting the third annual Mayors' Fitness Challenge. This is a great opportunity for Town residents and employees to get involved in a healthy competition to determine the "Most Fit Community" of 2023! Walk, bike, hike, practice yoga or play in the park - the opportunities are endless! Rally your family, friends and co-workers who live or work in Vienna to join in on the fun. During this eight-week competition, participants track their minutes doing any physical exercise and log their minutes to a daily or weekly web form that will be sent to each participant. At the end of the challenge, participation numbers and minutes_DSC9736 will be tallied and averaged to determine which community gets the title of "Most Fit Community." Let's bring the gold cup to Vienna for the second year in a row! March 18-19th: Vienna Photo Show March 18th: NOVA Model Railroaders Open House March 31st: Vienna Flashlight Egg Hunt

Contact Me: If my office can be of any service to you, please send an email to or call us at 804-698-1035. Please make sure to also follow us on social media to receive updates throughout the year!

With Gratitude,

Holly Seibold Delegate, 35th District Find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

To learn more about Holly, visit Holly Seibold for Delegate PO Box 2304 ​Vienna, VA 22183

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