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2024 Legislative session

This session convened on January 10th and is currently ongoing. Follow along below for updates on session, including my bills. Sign up for our newsletter to get updates in your inbox!

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2024 Session

Prison Canines Bill Presentation

Amazing Mothers Testify in Support of SUDEP Research

Roe v. Wade Anniversary Speech

Enhanced Earned Sentence Credit Reform Speech

Menstrual Education Bill Presentation and Testimony

Safe Harbor Bill Presentation


February 13 is Crossover Day in the Virginia General Assembly! Every piece of legislation MUST pass its respective chamber by the 13th to be considered by the other chamber. I am proud to announce that we have had nine bills pass the House Chamber that are now moving on to the Senate. Stay tuned for more updates as our bills as they move through Senate committees!

Mel's corner

Hey, I’m Mel and I’m interning for Delegate Seibold for the 2024 session through the VCU capitol internship! In my role, I’ve had the opportunity to work closely with Delegate Seibold’s chief of staff and session aide. My first impression was that it was a fast-paced and dynamic environment, and we’re all laser-focused on making sure Delegate Seibold keeps up with her hectic schedule. My work has involved collaborating with her session aide on various projects, including drafting the weekly newsletter, updating her website, and drafting speeches delivered on the House floor. Additionally, I've had the chance to participate in meetings with constituents, lobbyists, and advocacy groups, providing me with valuable insight into the legislative process and how Delegates engage with their communities. Personally, I am deeply passionate about improving transportation in the US. I believe in promoting alternative modes of transportation to reduce reliance on cars, leading to safer roads and decreased costs for maintaining car infrastructure. I was particularly enthusiastic about Delegate Seibold's bills, HB 532 and HB 533, which focused on pedestrian safety and the implementation of speed cameras in high-collision areas. I am also closely monitoring the budget proposals, especially those related to transportation funding and the proposed income tax reduction that primarily benefits the Commonwealth's wealthy residents.

updates on my bills

HB 47
HB 100
  • This bill will protect Virginia consumers and landowners by educating the public on which species are invasive and could cause damage to our natural environment. The bill requires that all non-native invasive plants available for retail sale be labeled with a sign in proximity to the plant display. This bill passed both Chambers.

  • This bill strengthens civil penalties for child labor violations in Virginia, which have been increasing in recent years. Young people are the future of the Commonwealth, and we must protect young workers against violations that may prevent them from continuing their education and social development. It passed both Chambers.

HB 159

  • 92% of all prison patrol dog attacks in the US between 2017-22 took place in Virginia. Attack dogs are not necessary, and utilizing them to intimidate and attack prisoners is a human rights abuse. HB159 restrict the use of patrol canines in adult correctional facilities and makes the use of patrol canines illegal in any juvenile correctional facility. HB 159 passed both Chambers.

HB 160
HB 161
  • This bill ensures that Virginia’s veterans are aware of all the benefits and resources available to them. The bill directs the Department of Labor to create a poster explaining these benefits and services and make it available to be posted in the workplace. This passed both chambers.

  • This bill extends Virginia's safe harbor protections to incarcerated people who are currently excluded from the law. This ensures that if an incarcerated person seeks emergency medical attention for an overdose or another drug-related injury, either for themselves or someone else, they cannot be arrested, prosecuted, or otherwise punished for drug or alcohol related charges. HB 161 passed both chambers

HB 282

  • Highway workers are at increased risk of injury or death due to speeding, distracted or reckless driving, and other infractions. HB282 creates a traffic infraction for violations in highway work zones with fines no lower than $300 for the first offense and $500 for the second offense. HB282 passed both chambers.

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  • HB 1221 permits menstrual education instruction to be included in Health education curriculum for students in 4th through 8th grade. 

  • Menstruation is a natural bodily process. Yet, the stigma surrounding something that happens to half the population every month persists.

  • This bill will combat the negative impacts of a lack of menstrual education, and tackle the stigma surrounding menstruation, equipping our kids to better understand their own bodies.

  • This bill passed both Chambers.

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  • HB 1504 directs the Board of Education to help local school boards establish guidelines for school-connected overdose responses and parental notification policies.

  • The passage of this bill will allow us to collectively work towards creating a safer and more supportive learning environment in the Commonwealth 

  • This bill passed both Chambers.

HB 532
HB 533
  • HB 532 aimed to require Virginia to prioritize pedestrian safety in school zones when considering new road infrastructure projects. It also required that a pedestrian safety audit be conducted before any project begins in a school crossing zone. This bill was heard in subcommittee on 1/25 and was tabled, but our office is still dedicated to increasing pedestrian safety across the Commonwealth. We hope that throughout the next year, we can engage with stakeholders and make progress on this initiative. 

  • This bill allows any town, city, or county to install speed cameras in high-risk pedestrian areas on any roads that are 45 mph or less.

  • This bill also requires two posted signs 1,000 feet from the camera so that drivers are well aware of the camera’s presence.

  • This bill has been incorporated into a group of similar bills under HB20, patroned by Delegate Mike Jones.

  • I am so proud of all the incredible advocates who spoke for improved pedestrian safety measures. Unfortunately, the bill did not pass this year, but I will continue advocating for improved pedestrian safety in Virginia!


HB 534

  • This bill requires that Vienna's tree canopy be replenished on a 10 year timeline, rather than the current 20 years.

  • This bill will help to preserve our natural resources and the health of our environment and community.

  • This bill was incorporated into Delegate Betsy Carr's bill to protect canopies across Northern Virginia. Delegate Carr's bill passed the House 52 to 46 and is moving on to the Senate! 

HB 689
HB 45
  • For the second year in a row, I was proud to partner with the Epilepsy Foundation of Virginia to address SUDEP, the leading epilepsy related cause of death. SUDEP refers to the sudden unexpected death of someone with epilepsy. SUDEP kills an estimated 2,600 people in the U.S per year.

  • HB 689 directed the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner to create a SUDEP review team to investigate SUDEP cases and collect data to stimulate research.

  • This bill reported out of the Health subcommittee and Health & Human Services committee unanimously but is currently tabled in appropriations as we seek clarity on the proposed review team's funding.

  • HB 45 clarifies legislation relating to enhanced Earned Sentence Credits, which passed in 2020 to incentivize good behavior and rehabilitation for people who are incarcerated. Good behavior for those that are held in detention while awaiting trial currently is not being counted towards these credits, despite the intention of the General Assembly to include pre-trial detention. This bill passed both Chambers.

HB 1509

  • HB1509 prohibits the establishment of shops that sell vapes and delta-8 and other intoxicating hemp products within 1,000 feet of any public or private school as of July 1st, 2024. The bill also institutes marketing restrictions and limits the number of products that can be sold at once.

  • By prohibiting the establishment of these stores in the vicinity of schools, we can prevent our youth from the dangers of prolonged nicotine and tobacco use. 

  • This bill reported out of General Laws but was tabled in appropriations. Other vape-related legislation is being considered, and I will continue to advocate hard for this issue in the off-season. 

chief co-patroned bills

This bill prohibits the sale or distribution of non-FDA-approved liquid nicotine or nicotine vapor products. It provides civil penalties for violations and ensures that the Attorney General’s Office keeps a directory of FDA approved manufacturers. This bill passed the House unanimously and was reported out of Senate Commerce and Labor 15-0.


This bill prohibits the use of isolated or solitary confinement in state correctional facilities, except in extreme circumstances. It requires that if someone is placed in isolated confinement, the placement is reviewed every 48 hours and the person receives a medical and mental health evaluation within one day of placement. This bill passed the House 51-48 and was reported out of Senate Rehabilitation and Social Services 8-7.


This bill prohibits the extradition of people from another state who are being charged with a criminal violation for receiving reproductive care services such as abortion which are legal in the Commonwealth. This bill passed the House 53 to 45 and has been referred to Senate Courts of Justice.

HB 1069


This bill prohibits the retail sale of tobacco products without first obtaining a permit from the Department of Taxation, and creates civil penalties for those who sell tobacco products to those under 21 years of age.  It also prohibits the sale of these products at a location within 1,000 feet of a youth-oriented facility, such as a school, playground, or youth center. This bill passed the House 87-12 and has been referred to Senate Finance and Appropriations.



This bill prohibits the issuance of a search warrant for the search and seizure of menstrual health data. It passed the House 51-48 and also passed the Senate 22-18.

This bill establishes the Prescription Drug Affordability Board to protect the citizens of the Commonwealth and other stakeholders within the health care system from the high costs of prescription drug products.

This bill passed the House 52-46 and has been referred to Senate Finance and Appropriations.

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Holly Seibold for Delegate

P.O. Box 106

Vienna, VA 22183​

If you would like to schedule a meeting, appointment, or have Delegate Seibold visit or speak to a group, please use the contact information below. If you live in the 12th District and need assistance with a state agency or have another issue that you believe Delegate Seibold's office can help with, please do not hesitate to call or email. You can also view her legislation on the General Assembly Website. ​

Phone: 804-698-1012
Mailing Address: PO Box 2304 Vienna, VA 22183

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